Strategic Planning Workshop

A strategy is a high level plan to achieve goals and desirable ends with available means. Strategic planning is the process of establishing a strategic plan, defining goals, ends and objectives and allocating resources and responsibilities. It is also used to clarify the overall purpose of a national program, to define the desired results of that program’s activities and to explain how those results will be achieved.

Following the request made by the Arab national mine action authorities (NMAAs) during the 5th ARCP annual conference in October 2016 in Lebanon, the GICHD, with the partnership of LMAC through the Arab Regional Cooperation Programme  will conduct a workshop on ‘’Strategic Planning for the National Mine Action Programmes’’. This workshop is co-organised with the Executive Secretariat for the Demining and Development of the North West Coast-Egypt. It is funded and supported by the Arab fund for Economic and Social Development and Switzerland


Arab Regional Cooperation Programme




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